Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program
Contact us for more information.
RFP Launched on 5th May 2022 and closed on 11th Aug 2022, Decision will release on Oct 2022
Budge 400M in this RFP for public places on-street, Multi-Unit resident buildings, workplaces, vehicle fleet
Maximum 5M per project.
Level 2 charger: up to 50% project or a maximum of $5,000 per port
Level 3 charger( 20-49KW) : up to 50% project or maximum $15,000 per port
Level 3 charger( 50-99KW) : up to 50% project or maximum $50,000 per port
Level 3 charger( 100-199KW) : up to 50% project or maximum $75,000 per port
Level 3 charger( 200KW above) : up to 50% project or maximum $100,000 per port
Qualified project must include a minimum of 2 fast chargers 50KW above OR 20 all charging level ports.
Project must be in Canada, permanently installed, new and purchased equipment, new installation or expansion of existing installation, and equipment must be certificated for use in Canada ( UL, CSA, ETL…).
The charger must be a universal port CCS1, CHAdeMO.
All expenses except Land cost, Legal cost, Operating cost, of eligible period cost.
The successful applicant has 30 months to deliver the project.
Applicant must demonstrate has at least 50% secured funding, own the land, or has access to the land.
* Above points are based on best understanding from EVC North Inc and may not cover or reflect the accurate information, Customers are taking own risk when using above information. We strongly suggest customer to visit ZEVIP offical site get the most accurate info.